Information and entertainment. More and more public life is taking place on marketplaces and promenades as well as in front of event buildings – just think of open-air events or city festivals. For the best entertainment – with music and for messages and announcements – we integrate the highest quality speakers in our multifunctional lights. In this way we offer a great deal more – in terms of function as well as communication. Just as you would expect from Hess.

They’re indispensable today: smartphones and tablets, along with stable and good connectivity. We equip our luminaires with the highest quality components. What’s important is that we consciously make use of standard components in order to offer you the greatest possible flexibility. Light and connectivity – perfectly combined and integrated.

Contrary to the popular saying, what you don’t know can hurt you. We ensure that your target groups are provided with useful information. Through the integration of displays, you can show times and dates for theatrical performances, open-air events, train and public transportation connections or weather information. Isn’t that smart?